Is a topological perspective valid for architecture?

Is a topological perspective valid for architecture?

Is a topological perspective valid for architecture?

Sinchon Festival

Architecture as Extended Street

Project Type :

Period :

Program :

Advisor :

Undergraduate 2-2 Semester Project

Academic Indivisual Work

2018 Sep to 2018 Dec

Community Service Center

Seung Jun Oh

Adjunct Professor of Hanyang Univ.

This project proposes new usability for a public building in Sinchon, one of the busiest areas in the city of Seoul. The existing community service center is mostly underutilized outside of official working hours. This inefficiency is more pronounced in Sinchon. The active hours of the community service center do not overlap with those of Sinchon, and the area is known for its various festivals and events as well as its social groups. To leverage these characteristics, the project suggests an architectural form consisting of a large slope, which will be recognized as "Architecture as Extended Street." Programmatically, the design adds a pub and a 24-hour cultural complex to the existing community service center facilities, enhancing connectivity with Yonsei Road and addressing the adjacent food alley on the other side of the site. A grand stair is installed on the external slope to facilitate interaction between the building and events occurring on the main road. The facade is treated with polycarbonate to encourage a response between the interior and exterior. At the end of the slope, a spacious rooftop space is provided, considering the visual and auditory connectivity with events on Yonsei Road while also allowing for the possibility of independent events within the building's area.

Sinchon Festival

Architecture as Extended Street

Project Type :

Period :

Program :

Advisor :

Undergraduate 2-2 Semester Project

Academic Indivisual Work

2018 Sep to 2018 Dec

Community Service Center

Seung Jun Oh

Adjunct Professor of Hanyang Univ.

This project proposes new usability for a public building in Sinchon, one of the busiest areas in the city of Seoul. The existing community service center is mostly underutilized outside of official working hours. This inefficiency is more pronounced in Sinchon. The active hours of the community service center do not overlap with those of Sinchon, and the area is known for its various festivals and events as well as its social groups. To leverage these characteristics, the project suggests an architectural form consisting of a large slope, which will be recognized as "Architecture as Extended Street." Programmatically, the design adds a pub and a 24-hour cultural complex to the existing community service center facilities, enhancing connectivity with Yonsei Road and addressing the adjacent food alley on the other side of the site. A grand stair is installed on the external slope to facilitate interaction between the building and events occurring on the main road. The facade is treated with polycarbonate to encourage a response between the interior and exterior. At the end of the slope, a spacious rooftop space is provided, considering the visual and auditory connectivity with events on Yonsei Road while also allowing for the possibility of independent events within the building's area.

Sinchon Festival

Architecture as Extended Street

Project Type :

Period :

Program :

Advisor :

Undergraduate 2-2 Semester Project

Academic Indivisual Work

2018 Sep to 2018 Dec

Community Service Center

Seung Jun Oh

Adjunct Professor of Hanyang Univ.

This project proposes new usability for a public building in Sinchon, one of the busiest areas in the city of Seoul. The existing community service center is mostly underutilized outside of official working hours. This inefficiency is more pronounced in Sinchon. The active hours of the community service center do not overlap with those of Sinchon, and the area is known for its various festivals and events as well as its social groups. To leverage these characteristics, the project suggests an architectural form consisting of a large slope, which will be recognized as "Architecture as Extended Street." Programmatically, the design adds a pub and a 24-hour cultural complex to the existing community service center facilities, enhancing connectivity with Yonsei Road and addressing the adjacent food alley on the other side of the site. A grand stair is installed on the external slope to facilitate interaction between the building and events occurring on the main road. The facade is treated with polycarbonate to encourage a response between the interior and exterior. At the end of the slope, a spacious rooftop space is provided, considering the visual and auditory connectivity with events on Yonsei Road while also allowing for the possibility of independent events within the building's area.

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